Call for contents

Translations: it

Hackmeeting is the yearly meeting of the Italian countercultures related to hacking, communities which have a critical relationship with technology.

This year it will be held in Reggio Calabria at C.S.O.A Angelina Cartella from Thursday, September 7 to Sunday, September 10, 2023.

Our idea of hacking touches every aspect of our lives and it doesn’t stop at the digital realm: we believe in the use of knowledge and technology to understand, modify and re-create what is around us.

Unfortunately reality is hard to read, hard to modify and interacting with it is a hard task.

We want to take control.

It’s not a vague idea, generic guidelines or aspiration, it’s a pragmatic organization effort based on solidarity, complicity and sharing of knowledge, methods and tools to take back everything and take it back together, one piece at a time.

If you think you can enrich the event with a contribution, send your proposal joining the hackmeeting mailing list or sending a message to with subject [talk] title or [lab] lab_title and this info:

  • Length (multiple of 30 minutes, max 2 hours)
  • (optional) day/time of the day requirements
  • Abstract, optional links and references
  • Nickname
  • Language
  • Projector
  • Can we record you? (audio only)
  • Anything else you might need

More concretely

We will set up three outdoor locations (indoor in case of rain), with microphone/speakers and projector. If you think your presentation will not need this much time, you can propose something directly at hackmeeting: a ten minute talk of a maximum of 10 minutes. These talks will be held in the largest available space at the end of of the day on Saturday. There will be someone who will warn you if you are about to exceed the allocated time.

If you want to share your discoveries or curiosities in an even more informal and chaotic way, you will be able to to get a place with your hardware on the shared tables in the LAN space. You will find morbid curiosity, power and wired connection (bring a power strip, network cables and whatever you might find useful).

Have any questions or you are shy? Write us at

Would you like to talk about something that hasn’t yet been brought up? Add it, along with your nick, to this pad or send a mail to the hackmeeting list and hope that somebody else wants to share their knowledge and steps up.